My Diary

10 yorum:

  1. 23/03/2013
    Last week, I explained 'superstitions' in Puplic speaking lesson. While I was explaining, I realized that I was too fast. Therefore, It caused some pronunciation problems. Moreover, as I was fast, I passed the slides fast too, so the audience couldn't see them well. I think next time, I should be calm and slow :) .

  2. Özlem's mistake 02/04/2013

    Well, today, I taught my students prepositions in Methodology class with Direct Method. While I was teaching, I used the whiteboard, I drew a box and a ball to show prepositions like in, on, between, under etc.. For example, the ball is on the box, or the ball is under the box. Some students became a bit confused. They asked me ‘Hocam, How can the box stay on the box’. Therefore, I wish I'd taught them by using objects. For instance, I could bring a box and a ball. I could show and I could make the lesson enjoyable.

  3. Özlem's mistakes 08/04/2013

    Today, I talked about Erikson's psychosocial stages of development in the class. I think I was very excited and there were still some pronunciation problems. Moreover, I read from slides; however, I was good at speaking speed...I should practice a lot before I talk.

  4. Good Lesson! 08/05/2013

    Last week, in Methodology, We covered Political Dimensions and the Participatory Approach. It is a bit boring lesson because we first gave information about the topic. (just information!). Of course, giving information is important; otherwise, how we can understand the topic, but if it is given in a monotone speech, it may become boring. However, after we finished giving information, we started to compare our school with what the topic includes, so the lesson became enjoyable. For example, we realized that our school is not democratic because it sometimes restricts us in somewhere. For example, if we want to write a petition, we are restricted to write just in specific subjects. To conclude, except for the monotone speech and some word that are used wrong (instead of life, using live), the lesson was good.

  5. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  6. Development! 13/05/2013
    Today, I talked about Understanding Body Language. While I was talking, I realized that I was better. I felt more confident and I made good eye contact with my audience. Moreover, at the beginning of my talk I set a very nice rapport, so I took my audience attention. As I used realia and good gestures, I think my talk wasn't boring because the audience were listening me carefully :). The only thing that was not good is my shoes because they were noisy. I should be careful about them for next time.

  7. Observation! 15/05/2013
    Today, some of my colleagues covered some topics and I listened them. (I was an audience). Some of them were very good and some of them were not good enough. I gained experience from them. I realized that making eye contact, getting attention with gestures, using your voice affectedly and adding active video are very important things for a talk. In other words, if you don’t make eye contact with your audience, the audience also won’t; therefore, they wont listen you (they may start to dream). And if you don’t use your hands to emphasize something which is important the information won’t take audience attention. Your voice is also important. If you use same intonation repeatedly, your talk will be monotone (boring). Lastly, If you want to give information with a video, you should select the video interesting, active or enjoyable. I will try to apply these things for my talks.

  8. 24.04.2013
    Today, I joined to the EFL252 class which is given by Mr. Neufeld. He is a very clever man because knows how he can takes his students attention. In that class, he separated his students in groups and gave them some topics and materials to make a short presentation. It was a very good activity because the students learned doing research, organizing lecture, and teaching something (because after they finished to do research about their topic, they present it to their peers). I will use this technique for my students in one of my class. It is very effective and enjoyable.

  9. 21.05.2013

    Well! Today, I watched my one of colleagues. She talked about multiple intelligences. I found that topic very interesting. The topic includes types of intelligences that people have; which are Logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, verbal, and naturalist. She asked her students some questions and also asked them to draw the picture of happiness to find which types of intelligence they have. Every student answered her questions willingly, I also did what she said and I found that I am both visual and naturalist. I think the students liked the activity. For this reason, I learned from my colleague that after you teach something, you should do some related activities because activities takes students attention and make them to learn more effective.

  10. 22.05.2013
    It was a wonderful day. I covered a topic, which was learning body (relationships btw. body and mind), with my colleague. I thought that I would be very excited, so I couldn’t do my lesson well. However, everything was very good (for me), but except from a few mistakes; which were some pronunciation problems, reading a bit from slides and sometimes talking quickly. For the next time, I am sure that I will prepare well and I won’t do the same mistakes
