23 Mart 2013 Cumartesi

Last week, I explained 'superstitions' in Puplic speaking lesson. While I was explaining, I realized that I was too fast. Therefore, It caused some pronunciation problems. Moreover, as I was fast, I passed the slides fast too, so the audience couldn't see them well. I think next time, I should be calm and slow :) .

3 yorum:

  1. Make sure you run the spellchecker before publishing. You can try to use http://www.gingersoftware.com/ if you want to experiment with a spelling and grammar checker.

    When you think back on your experience in the public speaking lesson, can you think how this may help you when you are planning a lesson? Can you remember any of your teachers having the same problem as you experienced by going over content too quickly?

  2. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  3. It helps me to recognize my mistakes, so after I realized them, I can correct them. Yes, I had such a teacher, but I think, she doesn't think that she is too fast: / because she is still too quick ( I heard it from her current students). If she has thought that she is fast, she would correct herself.
