2 Nisan 2013 Salı

Özlem's Beliefs about Teaching and Learning

How I decided to become a teacher?
I have wanted to be a teacher since my childhood because teachers are everything for me. When I was a child, I didn’t know anything about education, but my teachers taught me. I was very lucky as my all teachers in my life made me to like school especially my English teacher. Therefore, I decided to be an English teacher.

What do I like about teaching?
The thing I love the most about teaching is when kids get something new they become surprised and they wonder about it, so to learn the new thing, they endeavor and after they learn, it they become happy. Therefore, I like teaching because I like to see that happiness in their eyes. It is also my happiness.  I love make someone aware of life or something good. In addition to these, I want to add that to become good and effective, I should be a well educated, patient, supportive, respectful, and enjoy full teacher.

What kind of teacher would I like to be?
Firstly, I want to complete my full education degree.  I should be well educated and experienced. I must learn everything about teaching well because I don’t want to teach my students anything wrong. They must trust me. Moreover, I should be very patient. Teaching requires being patient because being a learner it is not easy to learn something that you heard the first time in your time. I also want to be enjoying full. Actually, I must be enjoying full because if you don’t make the class enjoy, learning will be boring.

3 yorum:

  1. This is a good start. You should move this from a POST into a PAGE in your blog. PAGEs are for information that will not change that much, and can more easily be located. Also, you need to include an ANIMOTO video to express your philosophy about teaching through pictures and music.

  2. hmm well sir, but I dont knot whats your mean with post and pages? how can I use them? pls help me.

  3. In your blogger dashboard you will see options to create PAGEs as well as POSTs. Blog posts are stored chronologically as you write them -- like a diary. However, PAGEs are kept as separate web pages which you can easily access via TABs or a sidebar widget. See http://sfltdu.blogspot.com as an example -- you will see the PAGEs as TABs at the top of the blog. They are for information that doesn't change that often, and you want to be able to access easily.
