8 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Özlem's mistakes

Today, I talked about Erikson's psychosocial stages of development in the class. I think I was very excited and there were still some pronunciation problems. Moreover, I read from slides; however, I was good at speaking speed...I should practice a lot before I talk.

My Teaching Philosophy

It is very nice and it refers to my teaching philosophy... :)

2 Nisan 2013 Salı

Özlem's mistake

Well, today, I taught my students prepositions in Methodology class with Direct Method. While I was teaching, I used the whiteboard, I drew a box and a ball to show prepositions like in, on, between, under etc.. For example, the ball is on the box, or the ball is under the box. Some students became a bit confused. They asked me ‘Hocam, How can the box stay on the box’. Therefore, I wish I'd taught them by using objects.  For instance, I could bring a box and a ball. I could show and I could make the lesson enjoyable.

Özlem's Beliefs about Teaching and Learning

How I decided to become a teacher?
I have wanted to be a teacher since my childhood because teachers are everything for me. When I was a child, I didn’t know anything about education, but my teachers taught me. I was very lucky as my all teachers in my life made me to like school especially my English teacher. Therefore, I decided to be an English teacher.

What do I like about teaching?
The thing I love the most about teaching is when kids get something new they become surprised and they wonder about it, so to learn the new thing, they endeavor and after they learn, it they become happy. Therefore, I like teaching because I like to see that happiness in their eyes. It is also my happiness.  I love make someone aware of life or something good. In addition to these, I want to add that to become good and effective, I should be a well educated, patient, supportive, respectful, and enjoy full teacher.

What kind of teacher would I like to be?
Firstly, I want to complete my full education degree.  I should be well educated and experienced. I must learn everything about teaching well because I don’t want to teach my students anything wrong. They must trust me. Moreover, I should be very patient. Teaching requires being patient because being a learner it is not easy to learn something that you heard the first time in your time. I also want to be enjoying full. Actually, I must be enjoying full because if you don’t make the class enjoy, learning will be boring.